I love this cool trick with your hands for learning the nine times tables from Come Together Kids. Kids Activities Blog shares a cool idea to make a paper fortune teller to practice multiplication. Use plastic Easter eggs to make this great hands on multiplication game from Rainy Day Mum. Plus if you scroll down to the end of this post you’ll find some free printable times tables posters too. So I’ve been collecting ideas to help my kids remember, recall and learn their times tables – all kinds of ideas from clever tricks, to fun hands on learning activities, and even a few apps, agmes and printables.

He loves maths so I’m hoping this will be a lot less traumatic for him, but again, while he’s great at doing multiplication, it is the remembering and recall he is going to need to practice and work on. Now my big boy is in grade three and beginning his journey with times tables. While they understood the concept of multiplication quite well, when it came to remembering and being able to recall multiplication facts quickly and easily, they both really struggled. I’ve already had two kids go through the trauma of learning their times tables.